Tripadvisor is used by millions of people to search for restaurants that meet their criteria every day for their next dining experience.
As a response to reopening hospitality post the Covid-19 lockdown a new filter was launched by Tripadvisor. The new filter enables people searching where to eat to identify restaurants that have put safety measures in place.
Since the launch at the end of June most restaurants in London have not adapted their details to include what safety measures they have in place.
Here’s what we mean when we say ‘most’.
If you go to Tripadvisor and search for restaurants in London 19,606 London restaurants have listed themselves and show.
If you then add the filter – Restaurants taking safety measures – the total is 274.
Given that the filter is at the top of the first ‘all’ listing and is the first option available, without taking health concerns into any equations, that seems to beggar belief. What an incredible opportunity to stand out and show people you offer safe hospitality.
Adding your restaurant to the list filter is free and you can also add specific details of the measures you have taken to add reassurances to potential diners. While the free option is not being utilised in significant numbers, restaurants are paying to have more prominent listings and for banner advertising.
The advertising will work, but it will also work far more effectively alongside free details of the safety measures being adopted to ensure better customer safety.
Having invested in safe hospitality measures to reopen it would seem almost rude not to avail of a return on that investment from Tripadvisor at no further cost.
We also did similar test searches across the UK, it is not only London missing out.
If you want to check out the details and try the search test for yourself here’s where to start.
what is that restaurateur doing…
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