Adding insult to injury, and in the incomprehensible absence of the chancellor, the PM yesterday informed hospitality that support is already in place for their damaged businesses.
The sheer brass neck of the man seems to know no bounds, as hospitality businesses have once again been placed in the eye of the economic storm ‘he and his’ government created through ‘his’ announcement of a national emergency on 7 December.
Since ‘his’ announcement public confidence to venture out has diminished and subsequently cancellations have ruined profitable Christmas trade for hospitality.
The only reason for this is the PM and his government’s words and actions. They brought this on hospitality and now wash their hands of any responsibility for their actions.
For all in hospitality, the actions of this man only lead to one outcome, more losses in every way imaginable. He needs to be stopped, and he needs to be stopped now. Please write, email, tweet to your MP, especially if they are Conservative, and implore them to get rid of the PM before he condemns even more lives and livelihoods to memories.
Not one single additional iota of help for hospitality from the PM and his government. “Packages already in place.” Really…
— HOSPITALITY & CATERING NEWS (@HandCNews) December 20, 2021