By Denis Sheehan, H&C News
The impact on hospitality businesses from government’s inability to plan and communicate is growing by the hour. Days are being spent trying to whip their own MP’s to back them, rather than backing businesses vital to the economy.
Across hospitality cancellations have already wrecked Christmas, as consumers are no better informed on Omicron than businesses.
We are facing another repeat of all the mistakes this government has made previously on numerous occasions. Too little, too late. In terms of communication and financial support for businesses.
As the impact bites, and continues to, cashflow is diminishing, businesses have bought supplies for the busiest time of their year, and cancellations not customers are calling.
Where is the chancellor? The chancellor that pledged: “I promise to do whatever it takes to support our economy through this crisis.”
All of the support to date will go to waste if the countless businesses that need support now don’t get it. Not only support in financial and fiscal terms, support through communication. What is happening, when will it happen, how can support be accessed?