Your definition of hospitality?
Hospitality is going somewhere and being welcomed like an old friend.
What does sustainability mean to you?
In an environmental sense, it is the ability to continue life as we know it without negatively impacting the natural environment or people around us. It’s difficult but we must all try to do our bit.
Team or staff, and why?
Team. Because it’s more inclusive & respectful. It also represents an ethic. Nothing will be achieved without a team approach to any business challenge or opportunity.
Where do you see hospitality’s priorities?
I see several priorities at the moment. The industry’s need for people is an obvious place to start. I believe we do need inward migration (whether that be temporary or long term). The current haulier and supply chain issues. This will naturally lead to an ongoing rise in end-customer costs which will ultimately reduce consumer demand. I am genuinely shocked by some restaurant prices I’m seeing across the board but it’s all as a direct result of where we are with wider societal issues.
Is hospitality local or global?
For me, hospitality is both local & global. A place needs to be local by its welcome, but global by its offer. Every place in the world is someone’s home or village. And I’ve often found that the less affluent the place, the more welcoming the people are!
What’s best about your weekend?
Having free time. Since I’ve got back to London (from my home village of 70 people in rural Ireland), I’ve been socialising, enjoying the people, & the craziness the city brings. Sometimes it’s nice to just relax and not do anything.
I relax by…
At night by watching a good movie or reading a book to unwind. If I need to relax before work, it would generally be by meditating or through martial arts.
Eat out or eat in?
I generally cook myself but I do eat out probably three times per week, often somewhere new. Good food for me is about the quality of simple ingredients and not time or complexity.
Tea or coffee?
Tell us something about yourself that would surprise our readers.
I am a published travel writer and, through my travels, I have been abducted in India, accidently stumbled across a narco drug plantation in the jungles of Panama, and was detained by Maoist Guerrillas in Nepal.
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