By Denis Sheehan, Publisher, H&C News: Business Minister looks to bring back imperial measurements post Brexit.
Business Minister looks to bring back imperial measurements post Brexit
Inflation is rampant, energy costs at record levels, interest rates rising, National Insurance going up in April, job vacancies in hospitality at record levels, and to top all that VAT is currently set to return to 20% on April 1st.
So, amidst all of the above, you might ask, what are the government doing to help businesses, the answer is… commissioning a study into the ‘economic benefits’ of reintroducing imperial units of measurement in the UK after Brexit.
Like me, on first reading of this you may think to yourself, is this real? It surely is so ridiculous it couldn’t be, but it is.
It is being led by the new Minister for Brexit Opportunities, Jacob Rees-Mogg. An eccentric chap at the best of times, Rees-Mogg’s new role may afford him time to embark on such folly.
Minister for small business, Paul Scully MPBut, somewhat surprisingly The London Economic is reporting that the Minister for small business, Paul Scully supports Rees-Mogg’s imperial endeavours. Scully said reintroducing Imperial measurement was “an important step in taking back control”, adding that an “assessment of the economic impact on business will be carried out in due course”.
You would imagine Scully would do well to consult businesses before making such a statement, perhaps he has?
Whether he has or he hasn’t, we decided to ask our readers, at least those on twitter for their views, which have been very forthcoming.
The poll below asked if reintroducing imperial units of measurement in the UK after Brexit would be positive or negative to their business. As you can see at the moment (it is still live as we publish) 93% of the 395 votes are negative.
The comments also are generally negative and summed up perhaps by Michel Roux Jr who replied to the tweet poll saying: “Can anyone name a single benefit from this that wouldn’t incur costs?” There are many more including many other industry ‘names’ questioning “an important step in taking back control”.