As a registered UK charity, the Institute of Hospitality (IoH) has announced the launch of a bursary fund as part of the next phase of its diversity and inclusion strategy.
Robert Richardson FIH, Chief Executive, Institute of HospitalityThe IoH Bursary Fund has been established to help raise funds to subsidise talented individuals whose circumstances may prevent them from joining the Institute and saying #imin to accessing the IoH’s wealth of resources. These resources include mentoring, personal and professional development, and networking with our hospitality family across the world.
Robert Richardson FIH and IoH CEO explained: “The IoH Bursary is our latest initiative to enable our IoH Diversity and Inclusion Strategy and is in line with the United Nations (UN) Sustainable Development Goal No.16.
“We want to provide people of different ages, ethnicity, gender, culture and backgrounds from across the world the opportunity to join our IoH family and progress within the industry.
“Personal circumstances shouldn’t be a barrier to an individual’s ability to thrive and prosper.” Brand Director, Kathy Dyball MIHThe hospitality hiring platform has already pledged a significant donation to the IoH Bursary Fund. Brand Director, Kathy Dyball MIH, commented: “An equitable approach to career progression is crucial to allow all talents to shine within hospitality. This important IoH bursary will help eliminate barriers and elevate those who may otherwise have been prevented from reaching their potential. It’s vitally important that everyone has access to the same opportunities for progression and advancement, and that’s why is so keen to support via donation. I urge all those concerned about future talent in the sector to give what they can to this fantastic cause.”
Managed by a steering group of IoH Fellows, the process for applying for bursary funding with be run by Joanne Smith MIH, with details being made available in the new year.
Alongside the IoH Bursary Fund, the Institute has also joined forces with Amazon Smile under their ‘charitable giving’ programme. By shopping on Amazon and registering the Institute of Hospitality as ‘your charity of choice’, the money raised will also be fed directly into the IoH Bursary Fund. All monies raised from the award-winning IoH Diversity Shield will also boost the bursary.