New research into the UK’s conference and business events sector has been launched. Entitled the ‘UK Conference and Meeting Survey 2015’ (UKCAMS), this major research project, now in its 22nd consecutive year, has a specific focus on the value and volume of the market and the performance of meeting venues. It also highlights key market trends identified by venues.
Results will be published in summer 2015. They provide a definitive insight into the business events sector and are widely used to inform investment, advocacy and marketing activities.
The survey asks UK venues to provide data on their conference and meeting business during the calendar year 2014, and includes questions on the number of events hosted, rates achieved, event duration and size, client type, investment plans, together with projections for business in 2015. New for 2015 are questions on:
- The demands for access to the latest technology by organisers
- Provision of Wi-Fi
- The influence of procurement departments
- Issues around compliance
- Agency commissions
- Staff recruitment and retention by venues
- Issues in respect of venue contracts and Terms and Conditions
All UK business event venues are being encouraged to participate. Those venues completing the questionnaire will receive a complimentary, personalised report enabling them to benchmark their performance against other comparable venues. The online questionnaire can be accessed here
The research is being carried out by Tony Rogers of Tony Rogers Conference & Event Services and Richard Smith of RJS Associates. Tony has been involved with the research since its inception in 1993 and Richard since 2004.
Crucial sector to the economy
Simon Gidman, Head of Business Visits and Events for VisitEngland and principal sponsor of UKCAMS 2015, comments: ‘VisitEngland recognises the vital necessity of providing the latest market intelligence to the industry as well as to government and other key stakeholders. The UKCAMS research is both well established and highly regarded as a source of reliable and robust information. It has a proven track record in making the case for the significance and value of this crucial sector to the economy, and in highlighting the latest and emerging trends. Support from venues across the UK is vital for this important research and I urge all of them to take part in this year’s study.’
Other sponsors of the research are: The Meetings Show,, Visit Guildford for Business, Conference Centres of Excellence, Glasgow City Marketing Bureau, and Hiscox Event Assured.
Further details of the research are available on the dedicated website here